A Screenwriter's Journal
I am a writer: movies, books, songs, poetry....whatever. I took a year off to write myself silly. I bought a 5th wheel and moved to the desert. I am the writer of the novel, Sometimes I Forget To Breathe. I am currently working on 3 screenplays, but really focused on revising one in particular: Sooty In The Field. This is my journal to somewhere. Email me at: freshscreenplays@gmail.com
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
For My "Friends" Who Forgot My Birthday.....
When you get OUR age, you basically KNOW who your friends
are by the manner in which they take you into consideration:
like, birthdays, holidays, what-the-fuck days..........
At our age, we expect and anticipate life being so gotdamn busy,
we forget to call AT&T today, so we "mental note" to call them tomorrow.
BUT my TRUE friends KNOW when to remember me.
At our age, we are scrambling and diving head first into our 30's, 40's,
50's, 60's, or 70's, so we fight hard NOW to keep our shit moving forward
into the future.
BUT my TRUE friends KNOW when to remember me.
At OUR age, a birthday mention means a lot, because you KNOW
your friends are feeling just like you..........scared of getting old.
BUT my TRUE friends KNOW when to remember me.
At OUR age, when a friend from 19..something REMEMBERS my birthday
after losing contact with me for over 21 YEARS, and the son-of-a-bitch
I chat with er' now and then can't even remember WHAT MONTH my birthday
is in, you kinda frown up your nose and go: eeeeeeewwwwwwwww.
BECAUSE my TRUE friends KNOW when to remember me.
When I get a text from a friend to say another friend's birthday is
such-and-such and I mark it on my calender to remember to call,
text or email your funky ass on that date, but your forget MY
That's some dumb shit.................
Because my TRUE friends KNOW when to remember me.
When you call, text or email me to let me know you have an up-coming
birthday just so you can get some calls, texts or emails on THAT day,
but you can't remember MY birthday.........that's some MO' bullshit.
BECAUSE my TRUE friends KNOW when to remember me.
I may not KNOW the EXACT day you were born, but I KNOW
when to start asking.......the 1st of the month.
I'm just saying..................
My birthday is in AUGUST motherfuckers!
Friday, September 7, 2012
President Obama's Acceptance Speech
It was a motivating speech. It renewed my faith in his leadership.
Three of his more wittier comments, which stand out in my mind the most are:
1. He said to his children: "Maliah, Shasha......we are proud of you. And yes, you still have to go to school in the morning."
The look on Maliah's face was priceless.
2. When he said the Republican's approach to the economy is: "Feel a cold coming on? Take 2 tax cuts, roll back some regulations and call me in the morning."
3. When he said: " I am NOT a candidate this time.................I AM the President of the United States."
I love this man.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Monday, June 4, 2012
Friday, May 11, 2012
Kudos From My Professors....
This is what my professors are saying about me.....(I ain't bragging, I'm just saying):
Chicano 37 Associate Dean of Chicano Studies & History:
"Your short story made it into our Anthology! I loved it! I will try to post a PDF of it on the class site. Congrats! Keep writing, you are very talented!"
Health 11 Professor:
"Occasionally, I come across a student who is a real gem, with rare blend of knowledge, wisdom and artistry. It is a pleasure to have you in my class. I believe you will have a lot to contribute because of your background and experiences."
Business Law Attorney/Professor:
(I wrote him last week and asked if I was getting a C…..to which he replied):
“Of course, not. You know too much to get a ‘C’.
So, I sent my Chicano 37 email to my Sociology 28 professor from last semester and told her it was her class that started me writing again, to which she replied:
“I'm so happy to hear that. Good for you, Cheryl. Not many people have this amazing gift, so you should continue to persevere even through the writing blocks. Further, with all the social media today, you have an opportunity to reach more people. I know that you were not comfortable with "opening up" at times, but it looks like you have let yourself be a bit more vulnerable. Take care and thanks for staying in touch. Love it!”
I’m just saying……
Monday, April 30, 2012
Experience in life COUNT......
Okay, so my Law Professor was absent the second week of class.......back in February.
He told us last Wednesday to start looking at our accumulative points to determine what we need to do to obtain the grade we want. I had 81 out of 100.............I'm running a 'C'. I was so distraught........how did that happened? I looked at my grading and noticed he did not credit me 75% on a February quiz, which would put me at a 'B'. I emailed him and asked him what happened to my February 2nd quiz. He said the quiz was annulled because those in the class cheated, so that quiz did not count. I told him I did not cheat and have nothing to do with that. I told him students cheat in the class every week and I had emailed him about it. I told him I am HONEST in my communication, and if I said I did not cheat, I mean it and therefore, I deserve my points. He wrote back and said: "Sorry, I have made up my mind. Those points from that particular quiz will not be granted.” Again, without those points, I am running “C”. So, I decided to soften up the tone in my email correspondence to this prick. I am woman. I said: “Okay, professor. I understand. I hold no animosity to what you must do as the professor of this class. I enjoy your class. I think you have a wonderful personality.” Okkkkkk………………………..I received an email back in one hour stating my points for Quiz 2 would be granted, and that if I produced a 75% on each of the 3 remaining quizzes, I would be granted an ‘A’. Okkkkkk. I wrote him back and said: “Thank you, sir. You’re the best.”
I’m ‘A’ bound.
Shout Outs............
I need to give some Shout Outs to people I haven't communicated with
in a while due to my schedule. I think about you. I love you. And I
hope you are well:
1. Warren...............my Pine Ridge friend. Love your patience
and tolerance to our friendship. Every fighter needs a negotiator. Your
peace is contagious.
2. Spencer.............dude........I just love you.
3. Clifford............dude.......I just love you.
4. Elaine..............hang in there, chick. Sorry I haven't called.
5. Stuart..............can't seem to have a long convo with you. Hope
you are well and still thinking about me. South Dakota is a GO. Hope to see you there.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Spring Break
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Wilderness - Jonathan C. Ward - Native American Flute
He's only been playing for about 2 or 3 years, but he's good. DAMN good. He is playing a drone flute. I bought one in the key of Dm. The sound is simply beautiful.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Lil Twist - Turn't Up (Explicit) ft. Busta Rhymes
One of my FAVORITE ghetto songs..............today.
Whose F*cking Wit Me?
Saturday, March 24, 2012
It's Been A While..................

I have been busy with school and sleeping. Since I modified my job where I don't have to keep hours, I've been staying up late and sleeping well into the afternoon. I LOVE this schedule. I am a night person. I have always been a night person. Being up late with no morning obligations is pure HEAVEN.
So, I'm breezing through these classes - half heartedly - because they are not quite as challenging as last semester. I keep thinking I'm not spending enough time studying, but I keep getting A's on my papers. It seems like a bomb is gonna drop and I won't be prepared. But going through these classes so easily has given me time to play my spirit flute. I have come a long way since yesterday. I am so fascinated by the instrument, I ordered 8 more: Bb, C, D, F, F#, G, Gm and one that was not scaled. It's a bit excessive, I know, but there is something about the sound which takes me....................somewhere.
I've learned to make different sounds with my mouth. My favorite sound is saying my mother's name: Joan - real fast. It has such a haunting effect. Peaceful. I love it.
In my search for better techniques, I stumbled across an artist named Jonathan C. Ward (in the picture above). He's a good flute player. Jazz-like. He has an interesting sound, but I like the traditional stuff: slow and emotional.
I can't wait for the semester to end. I want to play the flute day and night......and travel a little before the Fall semester begins. I wanna go home (Illinois) for a minute and get some hugs from my family and friends. I like hugs.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Friday, February 10, 2012
Back To The Grind

I saw a few classmates from the previous semester. They looked fresh. I was thinking to myself: "Just wait until 4 weeks go by. We'll all be able to fit $250.00 worth of groceries in the bags underneath our eyes."
Business Law.....sux. Business English......not bad. Art......terribly repetitive. Chicano 37...........too many books. Computer Tech..........not sure; the professor hasn't posted any assignments.
My books cost $625.00 this semester. Damn shame.
My goal: The Dean's List.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Monday, February 6, 2012
Spirit Flute

Okay, so I have been listening to Native American music to keep calm and.......soft. Something about the flute just does something to my soul. Seriously. So calm. So nostalgic.
So, I was bending and stretching with Yoga and was playing my Frostwire Native CD that I made many months ago. The flute came on and I just stopped. I had the feeling of driving through Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and Nevada....the beautiful rock formations. The absence of people. The absence of a job and work-related stress; vindictive tenants, two-faced supervisors and co-workers......my peace (for that moment) was eternal. It was the flute that had transfixed me.
The next day, I researched Spiritual Flutes, and bought one online. The flute came today. I thought I could just blow in the thing and make beautiful, meditative music. NOT. I have been practicing like I am preparing for a concert. I want to hear THAT sound; the sound that bought me peace. I'll get it.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
School Starts.......and I'm Resigning

Yeah, school start on February 6th. Got a full load. Looking for an apartment because I think I'm going to resign from my job and concentrate on school only. Apartments are extremely expensive: $800-850 for a one bedroom. I think the end of February will mark the end of my working for the next 3 years. I need my Masters before President Obama leave office - four years from now. Those are my goals.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Another One Of My FAVORITE Commercials. LMAO
Check out the guy with the turquoise shirt on at the end. LMFAO.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Whew.........I'm Back

Seems like I've been on a roller coaster and the ride just stopped. Finals completed. Vacation completed. Got one A (Sociology 28), two B's (Philosophy and Business), and a C (math). Did I mention I HATE MATH? Yes, math gives me a headache.
Went to San Francisco for Christmas. We BBQ'ed on Christmas day in 50 degree temperature, and now I have a cold. Came back to the L.A. area, which is 69 degrees and feeling good. But I can't enjoy it.......I'm in bed sick.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Domestic Violence and Gays - Sociology 28

So, the topic of discussion was Domestic Violence......straight, gay. whatever. Domestic Violence. It got to the subject of gays and domestic violence. Professor asked: "Do you think there is domestic violence among gays?" No one said anything. She looked around the room as these 19-23 year old straight, white kids lowered their heads. She waited. About 6 seconds went by and she said: "Come on now. What do you think? That they are all interior designers?"
Friday, November 25, 2011
Green Friday
Turkey Day
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Where's My Money?

Okay, so I've been knowing this "friend" since 2002; nine years. We were buds in the East Bay. Crazy chick.
In 2007, she asked to borrow $50.00. I obliged. She was supposed to have paid me back 30 days later. It has now been 4, going on 5 years. We lost contact with one another in 2007, but got reacquainted again in 2011. Four years later, she's still playing the same old game: "Can I borrow."
A few months ago, we discussed the $50.00 she owes me. She promised to pay when she came back from Germany. (Yeah, she can go to Germany, but funny, she can't afford to repay a $50.00 loan). She came back from Germany 2 months ago.
This broad had the nerve to text me last week asking if she can borrow $150.00 to get a car. (Yeah, she can go to Germany, but funny, she can't afford a car). I told her, I don't lend money when money is due. She asked how much she owes me. Select amnesia. I told her AGAIN and texted my address. She hasn't called since. Fifty dollars won't break me; it's the principal of the matter. It's the nerve of people.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Another DUMB Republican! Cain On Cocaine?
These Republican people want to be President and don't have a CLUE
what they stand for or what in the HELL their talking about.
Their motto: Just oppose anything President Obama has done.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Talkative Tenant

There is a tenant here who is stalking me - in a sense. She is 80 years old, friendless, and has taken a strong liking to me. I like her, but.............our conversations are generally one-way. She talk, talk, talk, talk, talk and I can't get a word in edge-wise. I'm am so sick of hearing about her diarrhea, her removed bowels, her family troubles, and the vagina of the elderly lady in the building who wears no panties. Ewwwwwwww.
She is an Italian woman who has cussed out everyone in this building for 20 years, and now, no one likes her. She is a pitiful soul.
She keeps calling asking (or rather, telling) me to come over. I tell her I have to study. She says: "Well come over anyway." Like time is on my side for this whole educational thing. I don't go.
Anyway, she has insisted that I come over for Thanksgiving dinner. I have tried many times to tell her I don't know what my holiday plans are, but she hears what she wants to hear I truly believe this is a form of harassment. Stalking, at the very least. I'm not sure how to get away from her without hurting her feeling. I HATE PRESSURE LIKE THIS.
Fun With The Fuzz

Okay, so I went to L.A. to shop and eat with my friend from the East Bay, Ron. We were going to his friend's home in Venice when a white car started tailgating. When I pulled up to the traffic light, he was about 4 inches behind me. I put on the brakes a few times just to make him break that much harder.
A police car pulled alongside my left. I looked over. They hadn't seen anything, as one of them were texting. I starred until he look over at me.
"Excuse me, sir," I said. "The guy behind me is tailgating."
He look at the car behind me.
"You want me to arrest him?" he asked.
"Yes," I said.
He smiled. "I tell you what," he said. "You go forward when the light change and we will pull in behind you."
Ron looked at me. What in hell did I just do?
"Ok," I said, as if I had a choice.
When the light changed, I proceeded forward. The cops turned on their flashing lights and got me behind me. The tailgater changed lanes immediately. He pulled alongside me, and I winked. Yeah, dude. Who you fooling with?
A block later, the police car pulled alongside me.
"Thank you, sir," I said, like an All-American citizen.
"I will bill you," he responded.
I chuckled, wondering if he had written down my license plates and was serious. Or was it all just fun on a gloomy Saturday afternoon in La-La land?

I logged onto Facebook, which is something I haven't done in months. Don't know why I even logged in.
There is a page that comes up of people who know other people; people you may know as well. I surfed through it and saw people from high school and people from my hometown. My stomach felt ill seeing some of those faces. I didn't like those people then, and I certainly ain't feeling them now. I immediately clicked off.
Looking at THOSE pictures of THOSE people made me realize: I am so glad I live in the future and many, many miles away. Deuces Facebook.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Another CLOWN Running For President
I'm sure everyone has seen this. I just want to take my personal jabs on this pathetic catastrophe.
1. And he wants to get rid of the Department of Education
2. $50,000 in dental work and not one psychological appointment
3. He would have faired better doing the running man afterwards
4. Apparently, they ALL like the taste of FOOT
5. Try reading Politics For Dummies
6. This is more pathetic than it is funny
7. A SENIOR moment to the nth degree
8. He just made Bush look like a genius
9. Sad. Just plain SAD.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Sociology 28 paper on Gay Marriages

In my opinion, some Americans (not all) do not want gays to legally marry for a few reasons:
1. It would threaten the American family structure, as defined by those who believe the old-fashioned way of life is infallible,
2. Prevailing stereotypes,
3. Unfamiliarity with gay family lifestyles,
4. Voice from the church and politicans.
America has always had different groups showing up throughout history calling for the “old way” of life. Traditional, I think they call it. Take America Back. Family Values. Gay marriages do not fit into any of those category.
When people are unfamiliar with gay family lifestyles, they give credence to stereotypes. I was guilty of this before I knew any better. I remember looking at a photo in Jet Magazine in the 1980’s (the height of the AIDS epidemic and men wearing eyeliner) about two men who had married in some sort of union. It was more a mockery of such. The headline read: Two Men Marry. There was a seemingly “masculine” one, and then, there was clearly the “feminine” one. The feminine one had on African garb – dashiki, turban, beads – hips slanted, smiling like the cat that swallowed the canary, with his wrist bent to show manicured fingernails painted in red and a diamond ring. Underneath the headline it read: “But the bride took off with another man during the reception.” Underneath that were statistics of how many gay men had reportedly died of AIDS. That one picture scared many people, including myself, only because I had nothing to compare “gay life” to.
I recall a popular television Evangelist saying God was cursing gay people by infecting them with AIDS. God was infecting gay people with AIDS? Well, of all the nerve. He said homosexuality was a sin, and “they (gays) are going to reap the wrath of God.” People actually believe this type of foolishness, and it resonates among those who are always crying about homosexuality’s threat to family values and procreation. Too bad it’s too late to ask Michael Jackson. He “procreated” without a woman in sight.
A few years later, that same Evangelical pastor was “outted” by a Latin lover from Mexico or Puerto Rico or someplace like that. There were pictures of him on a white sandy beach with aqua-colored water – just smiling; just racking up “sins” left and right – boy after boy after……..boy. He doesn’t support gay marriages or civil unions, but he obviously digs “boys.” He is one of many hypocrites whose influence and words fan stereotypical resentment against the gay community. Many politicians and preachers stand at pulpits and podiums scaring people into believing homosexuality is God’s number one sin. When you throw God into the equation, people tend to listen no matter how dense and lame the context may be. It is my belief these people assume that legalizing gay marriage can be compared to opening up the flood gates. As if gay people have no preference in their choice of mate (other than being the same sex), and will begin turning straight people into instant homosexuals (just add a little water). Not true. Gay people have a Characteristics List as well. Just because you are the same sex, doesn’t mean the same sex is interested in you. It’s so twisted.
Some of the biggest gay bashers have been “family value” men, who have been outted by gay lovers: Pastor Eddie Long (there’s a joke there, but I’ll pass), Pastor Ted Haggard, Larry Craig, Mark Foley, and the list goes on and on. I think one or two of these hypocrites went to some kind of gay rehabilitation center – for straight-gayaholics (I made that word up). Michelle Bachmann’s husband operates a “gay clinic” designed to turn homosexual men into heterosexuals, as if it’s a learned behavior, but nothing a few million bucks from the government can’t cure. Crazy.
I believe gay marriages are equally vulnerable to instability as straight marriages. During the San Francisco Gay Marriage Marathon in 2004, two of my male friends got married. Over the summer, my best female friend got married as well – to a man. Neither marriage worked out. The marriages did not dissolve due to sexual identity. They dissolved basically for the same reasons: lack of communication, changes in behavior, and too fed up with one another to save the relationship. Oh, yeah…and cohabitation. Gay folk are not immune to “straight” emotions, behaviors, actions, and reactions. As a matter of fact, the gay men’s home was much more stable and loving than my female friend’s. When there was a disagreement, one of them would say: ‘We’ll discuss that later.” At my female friend’s home, her and her husband would throw daggers at one another – in front of company. That’s so rude.
I support gay marriages to the hilt, and the reason should be obvious: civil rights. I have the civil right as an American to be protected from and against discrimination based on my sexual orientation. I have the civil right/human right for my household to function in same manner as my siblings (guess who’s coming to dinner?). I work, I pay taxes, I vote, and I used to go church until cable television came along. Nowadays, I can catch a sermon from Dr. Creflo Dollar anytime during the week and satisfy my religious obligations, if I choose. But I choose not. I am sick of opinions, condemnation, deceit, fear mongering, and restrictions. There is clarity in silence. As an American citizen, I have the constitutional right to “liberty” and “justice” – right? Well, that’s what they say.
To which she wrote: "Always entertaining. THANK YOU."
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